Each of these seminar series is designed to equip you with the precise skills and knowledge necessary to excel in your role and drive your organization towards sustained growth and success.

Frontline Leader

Empower your emerging leaders with our Frontline Leader Seminar. Designed to equip your team with the essential skills needed to lead effectively at the grassroots level, this program focuses on:

  • Communication Mastery: Enhance interpersonal skills and learn to articulate visions clearly.
  • Conflict Resolution: Equip leaders to navigate challenges and foster a harmonious work environment.
  • Decision-Making Proficiency: Instill confidence in decision-making under pressure.
  • Team Empowerment: Foster a culture of collaboration and motivation among teams.

Prepare your frontline leaders to tackle challenges head-on and drive success from the ground up.

Employee Engagement 

Unlock the potential of your workforce through our Employee Engagement Workshop. Dive into strategies that foster a culture of commitment, enthusiasm, and productivity. This program includes:

  • Motivation Techniques: Discover methods to inspire and retain top talent.
  • Feedback & Recognition: Learn to provide constructive feedback and meaningful recognition.
  • Creating Inclusive Environments: Foster a diverse and inclusive workplace culture.
  • Wellness Initiatives: Implement strategies that prioritize employee well-being and work-life balance.

Elevate your team's morale, commitment, and overall performance with engaged and motivated employees.

Business Acumen 

Transform your understanding of business dynamics with our Business Acumen Intensive. This program sharpens participants' business instincts and strategic decision-making capabilities by focusing on:

  • Strategic Thinking: Develop a strategic mindset to make informed business decisions.
  • Financial Literacy: Understand financial statements and key financial indicators for better financial management.
  • Market Analysis: Learn to analyze markets, competitors, and trends to position your business effectively.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry experts and like-minded professionals to expand your network.

Equip yourself with the strategic mindset and business savvy required to drive your career success in a competitive landscape.
Get to know us

The Team

Meet our team of seasoned facilitators, dedicated to honing business acumen and nurturing leadership skills across diverse industries. With a wealth of experience and a passion for fostering growth, our experts bring a dynamic blend of knowledge and practical insights to empower individuals and organizations. From navigating complex market landscapes to cultivating effective leadership strategies, we tailor our approach to drive success in today's ever-evolving business environment. Explore our collective expertise and discover how we can elevate your team to new heights of excellence.

Bob Mims, CPA

Bob Mims, CPA, an accomplished entrepreneur and executive, brings diverse expertise in finance and management. His roles span financial consulting, CFO positions, and leadership on influential accounting committees. Recognized thrice as KPMG's top national instructor, his insights will enrich your understanding in the realm of business acumen.

Cindy Ogden

Cindy Ogden, President of FUEL it, is a seasoned speaker and consultant in organizational development, workforce upskilling, and immersive learning. With 30+ years spanning diverse industries, her journey from instructional design to Fortune-500 Learning Leader is underscored by a Six Sigma Black Belt Certification, driving metric-centric strategies for success. 

Jon Hilligiest

Jon Hilligiest, President of Go! Learning Solutions, is a seasoned facilitator delivering impactful messages to audiences working at well-known organizations such as HP, UL, and Anthem. Proficient in Training Delivery, Jon's workshops empower global leaders through Crucial Conversations and Change Management. His focus is on revamping business strategies for nurturing personal growth.

Dennis Koerner, Ph.D.

Dennis W. Koerner, President and CEO of ITN. LLC, pioneers statistical services and workforce analytics through AI integration. Formerly leading renowned companies like RING Industrial Group and ACH Foods, his expertise spans research, engineering, and executive roles. As Chairman of the Assessment Standards Institute, his impact resonates across corporate and community boards.
Lesson series

6 or 12-month programs

Explore our Monthly Leadership Development Seminars with our dynamic blended learning approach. Each session kicks off with a concise 30-minute introduction zoom call to the monthly leadership topic, setting the stage for your learning journey. Immerse yourself in our independent online course, filled with valuable tips and tricks that you can apply directly to your leadership role. Cap off your experience with a thoughtful 30-minute debrief session, where you'll have the opportunity to discuss and apply the practical insights gained from the seminar. This comprehensive format ensures that you not only gain theoretical knowledge but also acquire actionable skills for immediate impact. Elevate your leadership capabilities with our engaging and results-driven approach to professional development.

Write your awesome label here.

Be the leader employees want to follow.

We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel as a leader. Boost your confidence, master the skills and become a leader employees want to follow.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Take your skills to the next level!

Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one. The skills you need to become a real leader. Thrive in your career.